Results for 'Bernardo Alonso Jaimes Lizarazo'

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  1. Ecos-lógicos: una dinámica para el aprovechamiento y mejoramiento de los ambientes educativos.Bernardo Alonso Jaimes Lizarazo - 2013 - Revista Aletheia 5 (2/1).
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    Reseñas_Bes Alonso, Valdés López, Marzán Trujillo, Ruiz Serrano, Chaves González, Moreno Ferrer, Toro Murillo, Solana Dueso, Pajares Calvo.Jaime Bes Alonso - 2023 - Endoxa 52.
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    Integrating Sustainability Into Business Accounting: An Approach to Responsible Economic and Financial Management.Edwin Lizarazo Luna, Lina Rosenda Bonilla Rueda, Omar Hernán Nova Jaimes & David Andrés Suárez Suárez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2086-2094.
    A systematic review was carried out on the production and publication of research papers related to the study of Business Accounting, Sustainability, Responsible Finance, during the period between 2017 and 2022 under the PRISMA approach (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses). The purpose of the analysis proposed in this document was to know the main characteristics of the publications registered in the Scopus and Wos databases during the study of the proposed variables, achieving the identification of 64 publications (...)
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  4. Hombre y espíritu (ensayos humanistas).Pérez Alonso & Jaime[From Old Catalog] - 1973 - Managua, Nicaragua:
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    El Apocalipsis, un libro de resistencia social: aportes éticos y morales.Vladimir Merchán Jaimes, Guillermo León Herrera Gil & Elkin Alonso Gómez Salazar - 2022 - Perseitas 11:224-245.
    El presente trabajo se propone rescatar la resistencia y la crítica al poder imperial romano del libro del Apocalipsis como una fuente fundamental para la teología moral cristiana, que lo convirtieron en un foco de luz que ilumina el camino de la conducta humana hacia un mundo mejor. Al mismo tiempo, ofrece pautas para la defensa de la vida en un entorno donde los totalitarismos políticos, económicos y religiosos atentan contra ella. Además, quiere destacar dicha resistencia y crítica como uno (...)
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    Crítica de libros. [REVIEW]Marta García-Alonso, Jaime De Salas, Héctor Vizcaíno Rebertos, Aarón Vázquez Peñas, Francisco José Blanco Brotons, Carmen Herrando, Alfredo Esteve, José A. Zamora, José Sarrión Andaluz, María G. Navarro & Asunción Oliva Portolés - 2016 - Isegoría 54:307-362.
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  7. Por un mundo mejor= For a better world.Ana Alvarez de Lara Alonso, Vicente Ferrer, José Luís García Lorenzo, Alberto Sabatés, Jaime Montalvo Correa, Rafael Jiménez Claudín, Nidita Guerrero & Rigoberta Menchú Tum - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:115-122.
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    La caverna de José saramago: Una aproximación desde Los estudios culturales.Jaime Alonso Sánchez Naranjo - 2012 - Escritos 20 (44):173-187.
    La narrativa de José Saramago es centro de análisis reciente para todos aquel que incursionen en la literatura contemporánea. A través de La caverna, el escritor expone un sinnúmero de situaciones que deben ser reflexionadas y que en el presente artículo se abordan desde la perspectiva de los estudios culturales. Entre otros, se resalta el uso del lenguaje popular, la dialéctica entre lo rural y lo urbano, y finalmente la exclusión social y el consumismo. Este es, por lo tanto, un (...)
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  9. A Marca do Cognitivo e Cognição 4E.Bernardo Gonçalves Alonso & Ronaldo de Oliveira Ramos - 2022 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia (Ufrn) 29 (58):24-48.
    In this article it is defended that the notion known as “The mark of the cognitive” is better characterized as a process that performs the function of generating intelligent behavior, in a flexible and adaptive way, capable of adapting to circumstances, given it is a context sensitive process. For that, some relevant definitions of cognition are examined. In the end, it is pointed out that the definition of the mark of cognition as a context-sensitive process takes into account several factors (...)
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    A tese da veracidade na teoria da informação fortemente sem'ntica de Floridi e o paradoxo de Bar-Hillel-Carnap.Bernardo Gonçalves Alonso - 2012 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 57 (2):123-142.
    Neste artigo defendo que a Teoria da Informação Fortemente Semântica de Floridi – TIFS – está correta ao assumir a Tese da Veracidade, que por sua vez orienta a definição de informação semântica como “p é informação se e somente se p é constituído por dados bem-formados, com significado e verdadeiros”. Argumento que a teoria não é arbitrária, pois dá conta do desembaraço de conundrums filosóficos importantes, principalmente por evitar o paradoxo de Bar-Hillel e Carnap, que é gerado a partir (...)
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    Comentário a “Dissolving the Self: the cognitive turn of the extended mind theory” 25 Anos da Tese da Mente Estendida.Bernardo Alonso - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (2):215-220.
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    Ars et doctrina studendi et docendi.Bernardo Alonso Rodríguez - 1972 - Salmanticensis 19 (1):5-105.
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    Comentário a “O revisionismo e os perigos da mentira deliberada na perspectiva de Hannah Arendt”: Mentiras e Desinformação.Bernardo Alonso - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (3):135-140.
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    Interpretação de atos de fala.Bernardo Alonso & José Carlos Camillo - 2022 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 67 (1):e40490.
    Neste artigo apresentamos de forma breve uma teoria searliana de interpretação dos atos de fala. Mostramos através do exemplo das metáforas que, conforme proposta por Searle, a interpretação de atos de fala consistiria em reconhecer a intenção do falante. Esse processo se daria por meio do uso de regras convencionais da linguagem tanto pelo falante quanto pelo ouvinte. Contudo, as metáforas são um exemplo de que essa proposta de interpretação não é suficiente para descrever o processo pelo qual os agentes (...)
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    Indexicals in Virtual Environments.Bernardo Alonso - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):134-140.
    In this paper I explored three well-known cases that seem to cast doubt on the notion that a speaker is always at the place of the utterance when the utterance occurs. I gave a few examples produced in Second Life environment, which cannot be handled correctly by evaluating the expression at issue with respect to the traditional view, i.e., the kaplanian framework—where the agent and the utterer will always be identical, and the referent of “I” will always be the utterer. (...)
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    Mostrar E dizer contra a Nova leitura.Bernardo Alonso - 2010 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 15 (2):129-160.
    The aim of this work is to preserve the saying / showing tractarian distinction from the New Wittgenstein reading, which defends, among other things, that the Tractatus contains only strings of plain nonsense. The author presents a brief exposition of the language system of the Tractatus . Than he tries to interrelate three core theses, the analyticity theses, the contingency theses and the independency theses as unified by the picture theory. The latter provides the account of an elementary proposition, subject (...)
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    Notas sobre a lógica de estar informado de Floridi.Bernardo Alonso - 2018 - Dissertatio 47:135-153.
    Neste artigo, o trabalho seminal de Luciano Floridi “A Lógica de Estar Informado” é examinado em detalhes, em especial quais aspectos tornam tal lógica relevante para que a mesma não colapse em sistemas lógicos epistêmicos ou doxásticos conhecidos. Ao final, é apresentado um cenário para demonstrar que a refletividade da relação de acessibilidade não é necessária, e desse modo os axiomas de introspecção positiva e negativa podem ser descartados, e.g. quando se afirma que um agente pode deter uma informação sem (...)
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    Omniscience and Semantic Information.Bernardo Alonso - 2017 - Manuscrito 40 (4):77-96.
    ABSTRACT First, I consider a few motivations to idealize epistemic logics1 in such a degree that brings up the problem of logical omniscience [LOP]. I argue that the main motivation to hold omniscience is of a philosophical-scientific2 background, in the sense philosophers have a not so peculiar way of investigating underlying mechanisms, i.e., the interaction of several different components of complex systems may be better understood in isolation, even if such components are not found isolated in a realistic context. It (...)
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    Systems, models and self-awareness: Towards architectural models of consciousness.Ricardo Sanz, Carlos Hernández, Jaime Gómez, Julita Bermejo-Alonso, Manuel Rodríguez, Adolfo Hernando & Guadalupe Sánchez - 2009 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (2):255-279.
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    The Araucana by Alonso de Ercilla and a new national context (1880-1920).Bernardo Subercaseaux - 2022 - Alpha (Osorno) 55:61-82.
    Resumen: El artículo examina la recepción y las distintas lecturas que tuvo La Araucana en Chile, en las últimas décadas del siglo XIX. También la modalidad de esas lecturas que obedecen a un nacionalismo distinto al nacionalismo liberal decimonónico. Describe las características de un nuevo imaginario de la nación y la incidencia que él tuvo en la recepción de la obra de Ercilla. Ejemplifica este proceso en su chilenización tanto en la historiografía literaria como en el campo editorial, también en (...)
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  21. El Lilium medicine y el Tractatus de crisi et de diebus creticis de Bernardo de Gordonio: estudio comparativo.Alberto Alonso Guardo - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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  22. Apports hispaniques à la philosophie chrétienne de l'Occident.Joaquín Carreras Y. Artau - 1962 - Louvain,: Publications universitaires de Louvain. Edited by Juan Tusquets Terrats.
    Biographie de Joaquin Carreras y Artau.--Biographie de Mgr Juan Tusquets.--Introduction par J. C. A.--Pierre d'Espagne, Pape Jean XXI, par J. Carreras Artau.--Raymond Lulle, un logicien et encyclopédiste du XIIIe siècle, par J. Carreras Artau.--Louis Vives, philosophe de l'humanisme, par J. Carreras Artau.--François Suárez, sa métaphysique et sa critériologie, par J. Tusquets.--Jaime Balmes, son système philosophique, par J. Tusquets.--Les contemporaíns (Zaragüeta, Zubiri, D'Ors, Muñoz Alonso), par J. Tusquets.
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  23. Jaime Balmes (antología).Jaime Luciano Balmes - 1942 - [Madrid]: Ediciones FE. Edited by Corts Grau, José & [From Old Catalog].
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  24. The Universe in Consciousness.Bernardo Kastrup - 2018 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 25 (5-6):125-155.
    I propose an idealist ontology that makes sense of reality in a more parsimonious and empirically rigorous manner than mainstream physicalism, bottom-up panpsychism, and cosmopsychism. The proposed ontology also offers more explanatory power than these three alternatives, in that it does not fall prey to the hard problem of consciousness, the combination problem, or the decombination problem, respectively. It can be summarized as follows: there is only cosmic consciousness. We, as well as all other living organisms, are but dissociated alters (...)
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  25. Can machines think? The controversy that led to the Turing test.Bernardo Gonçalves - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2499-2509.
    Turing’s much debated test has turned 70 and is still fairly controversial. His 1950 paper is seen as a complex and multilayered text, and key questions about it remain largely unanswered. Why did Turing select learning from experience as the best approach to achieve machine intelligence? Why did he spend several years working with chess playing as a task to illustrate and test for machine intelligence only to trade it out for conversational question-answering in 1950? Why did Turing refer to (...)
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  26. Peirce’s Imaginative Community: On the Esthetic Grounds of Inquiry.Bernardo Andrade - 2022 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 58 (1):1-21.
    Departing from Anderson’s (2016) suggestion that there are three communities in Peirce’s thought corresponding to his three normative sciences of logic, ethics, and esthetics, I argue that these communities partake in a relationship of dependence similar to that found among the normative sciences. In this way, just as logic relies on ethics which relies on esthetics, so too would a logical community of inquirers rely on an ethical community of love, which would rely on an esthetic community of artists. A (...)
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  27. The Idea of the World: A multi-disciplinary argument for the mental nature of reality.Bernardo Kastrup - 2019 - Winchester, UK: Iff Books.
    The Idea of the World offers a grounded alternative to the frenzy of unrestrained abstractions and unexamined assumptions in philosophy and science today. This book examines what can be learned about the nature of reality based on conceptual parsimony, straightforward logic and empirical evidence from fields as diverse as physics and neuroscience. It compiles an overarching case for idealism - the notion that reality is essentially mental - from ten original articles the author has previously published in leading academic journals. (...)
  28. The Turing Test is a Thought Experiment.Bernardo Gonçalves - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (1):1-31.
    The Turing test has been studied and run as a controlled experiment and found to be underspecified and poorly designed. On the other hand, it has been defended and still attracts interest as a test for true artificial intelligence (AI). Scientists and philosophers regret the test’s current status, acknowledging that the situation is at odds with the intellectual standards of Turing’s works. This article refers to this as the Turing Test Dilemma, following the observation that the test has been under (...)
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  29. On the Plausibility of Idealism: Refuting Criticisms.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Disputatio 9 (44):13-34.
    Several alternatives vie today for recognition as the most plausible ontology, from physicalism to panpsychism. By and large, these ontologies entail that physical structures circumscribe consciousness by bearing phenomenal properties within their physical boundaries. The ontology of idealism, on the other hand, entails that all physical structures are circumscribed by consciousness in that they exist solely as phenomenality in the first place. Unlike the other alternatives, however, idealism is often considered implausible today, particularly by analytic philosophers. A reason for this (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Making Sense of the Mental Universe.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Philosophy and Cosmology 19 (1):33-49.
    In 2005, an essay was published in Nature asserting that the universe is mental and that we must abandon our tendency to conceptualize observations as things. Since then, experiments have confirmed that — as predicted by quantum mechanics — reality is contextual, which contradicts at least intuitive formulations of realism and corroborates the hypothesis of a mental universe. Yet, to give this hypothesis a coherent rendering, one must explain how a mental universe can — at least in principle — accommodate (...)
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  31. An Ontological Solution to the Mind-Body Problem.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Philosophies 2 (2):doi:10.3390/philosophies2020010.
    I argue for an idealist ontology consistent with empirical observations, which seeks to explain the facts of nature more parsimoniously than physicalism and bottom-up panpsychism. This ontology also attempts to offer more explanatory power than both physicalism and bottom-up panpsychism, in that it does not fall prey to either the ‘hard problem of consciousness’ or the ‘subject combination problem’, respectively. It can be summarized as follows: spatially unbound consciousness is posited to be nature’s sole ontological primitive. We, as well as (...)
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  32. The Next Paradigm.Bernardo Kastrup - 2018 - Future Human Image 9:41-51.
    In order to perceive the world, we need more than just raw sensory input: a subliminal paradigm of thought is required to interpret raw sensory data and, thereby, create the objects and events we perceive around ourselves. As such, the world we see reflects our own unexamined, culture-bound assumptions and expectations, which explains why every generation in history has believed that it more or less understood the world. Today, we perceive a world of objects and events outside and independent of (...)
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  33. Counterfactuals, correlatives, and disjunction.Luis Alonso-Ovalle - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (2):207-244.
    The natural interpretation of counterfactuals with disjunctive antecedents involves selecting from each of the disjuncts the worlds that come closest to the world of evaluation. It has been long noticed that capturing this interpretation poses a problem for a minimal change semantics for counterfactuals, because selecting the closest worlds from each disjunct requires accessing the denotation of the disjuncts from the denotation of the disjunctive antecedent, which the standard boolean analysis of or does not allow (Creary and Hill, Philosophy of (...)
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    Why Materialism Is Baloney: How true skeptics know there is no death and fathom answers to life, the universe, and everything.Bernardo Kastrup - 2014 - Winchester, UK: Iff Books.
    The present framing of the cultural debate in terms of materialism versus religion has allowed materialism to go unchallenged as the only rationally-viable metaphysics. This book seeks to change this. It uncovers the absurd implications of materialism and then, uniquely, presents a hard-nosed non-materialist metaphysics substantiated by skepticism, hard empirical evidence, and clear logical argumentation. It lays out a coherent framework upon which one can interpret and make sense of every natural phenomenon and physical law, as well as the modalities (...)
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  35. Self-Transcendence Correlates with Brain Function Impairment.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (3):33-42.
    A broad pattern of correlations between mechanisms of brain function impairment and self-transcendence is shown. The pattern includes such mechanisms as cerebral hypoxia, physiological stress, transcranial magnetic stimulation, trance-induced physiological effects, the action of psychoactive substances and even physical trauma to the brain. In all these cases, subjects report self-transcending experiences o en described as ‘mystical’ and ‘awareness-expanding,’ as well as self-transcending skills o en described as ‘savant.’ The idea that these correlations could be rather trivially accounted for on the (...)
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  36. Political Theory with an Ethnographic Sensibility.Bernardo Zacka, Brooke Ackerly, Jakob Elster, Signy Gutnick Allen, Humeira Iqtidar, Matthew Longo & Paul Sagar - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (2):385-418.
    Political theory is a field that finds nourishment in others. From economics, history, sociology, psychology, and political science, theorists have drawn a rich repertoire of schemas to parse the social world and make sense of it. With each of these encounters, new subjects are brought into focus as others recede into the background, ushering a change not only in how questions are tackled but also in what questions are thought worth asking.
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  37. There Is an ‘Unconscious,’ but It May Well Be Conscious.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Europe's Journal of Psychology 13 (3):559-572.
    Depth psychology finds empirical validation today in a variety of observations that suggest the presence of causally effective mental processes outside conscious experience. I submit that this is due to misinterpretation of the observations: the subset of consciousness called “meta-consciousness” in the literature is often mistaken for consciousness proper, thereby artificially creating space for an “unconscious.” The implied hypothesis is that all mental processes may in fact be conscious, the appearance of unconsciousness arising from our dependence on self-reflective introspection for (...)
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    Two-step emergence: the quantum theory of atoms in molecules as a bridge between quantum mechanics and molecular chemistry.Chérif F. Matta, Olimpia Lombardi & Jesús Jaimes Arriaga - 2020 - Foundations of Chemistry 22 (1):107-129.
    By moving away from the traditional reductionist reading of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules, in this paper we analyze the role played by QTAIM in the relationship between molecular chemistry and quantum mechanics from an emergentist perspective. In particular, we show that such a relationship involves two steps: an intra-domain emergence and an inter-domain emergence. Intra-domain emergence, internal to quantum mechanics, results from the fact that the electron density, from which all the other QTAIM’s concepts are defined, arises (...)
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    Brief Peeks Beyond: Critical essays on metaphysics, neuroscience, free will, skepticism and culture.Bernardo Kastrup - 2015 - Winchester, UK: Iff Books.
    This book is a multi-faceted exploration and critique of the human condition as it is presently manifested. It addresses science and philosophy, explores the underlying nature of reality, the state of our society and culture, the influence of the mainstream media, the nature of free will and a number of other topics. Each of these examinations contributes an angle to an emerging idea gestalt that challenges present mainstream views and behaviors and offers a sane alternative. The book is organized as (...)
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    (1 other version)From Rechtsphilosophie to Staatsökonomie: Hegel and the philosophical foundations of political economy.Bernardo Ferro - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):80-96.
    Although Hegel is increasingly recognized as an important figure in the history of political economy, his economic views are never strictly economic. In contrast to other modern thinkers, his primary concern is not the economic efficacy of different practices or institutions but the extent to which they enable and promote the development of human freedom. In this article, I argue that Hegel's pioneering critique of modern liberal economy plays out simultaneously at a more empirical level, corresponding to the properly economic (...)
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    Phase transitions in artificial intelligence systems.Bernardo A. Huberman & Tad Hogg - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 33 (2):155-171.
  42. Conflating Abstraction with Empirical Observation: The False Mind-Matter Dichotomy.Bernardo Kastrup - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 13 (3):341-361.
    > Context • The alleged dichotomy between mind and matter is pervasive. Therefore, the attempt to explain mat- ter in terms of mind (idealism) is often considered a mirror image of that of explaining mind in terms of mat- ter (mainstream physicalism), in the sense of being structurally equivalent despite being reversely arranged. > Problem • I argue that this is an error arising from language artifacts, for dichotomies must reside in the same level of abstraction. > Method • I (...)
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  43. What Neuroimaging of the Psychedelic State Tells Us about the Mind-Body Problem.Bernardo Kastrup - 2016 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (2):1-9.
    Recent neuroimaging studies of the psychedelic state, which have commanded great media attention, are reviewed. They show that psychedelic trances are consistently accompanied by broad reductions in brain activity, despite their experiential richness. This result is at least counterintuitive from the perspective of mainstream physicalism, according to which subjective experience is entirely constituted by brain activity. In this brief analysis, the generic implications of physicalism regarding the relationship between the richness of experience and brain activity levels are rigorously examined from (...)
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  44. Analytic Idealism: A consciousness-only ontology.Bernardo Kastrup - 2019 - Dissertation, Radboud University Nijmegen
    This thesis articulates an analytic version of the ontology of idealism, according to which universal phenomenal consciousness is all there ultimately is, everything else in nature being reducible to patterns of excitation of this consciousness. The thesis’ key challenge is to explain how the seemingly distinct conscious inner lives of different subjects—such as you and me—can arise within this fundamentally unitary phenomenal field. Along the way, a variety of other challenges are addressed, such as: how we can reconcile idealism with (...)
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  45. Levinas on Separation: Metaphysical, Semantic, Affective.Bernardo Andrade - 2024 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2):429-452.
    In this paper I argue that, to conceive transcendence, Levinas retrieves the Platonic concept of “separation” and deploys it in three ways: metaphysically, semantically, and affectively. Levinas finds in the interaction between being and the Good beyond being of Republic VI 509b a certain “formal structure of transcendence”—one in which a term is conditioned by another while remaining absolutely separated from it. This formal structure is subsequently deployed metaphysically, in the relation between creator and creature; semantically, in the relation between (...)
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    The Man of the Shroud of Turin: Is He Dead or Alive?Bernardo Hontanilla Calatayud - 2022 - Scientia et Fides 10 (1):91-114.
    It has been assumed that the person represented on the Shroud of Turin is dead and the image corresponds to a person dead from crucifixion. We have conducted an analysis of the cadaveric data of a body and the presence of face life signs and we could think that the image could corresponds to a living person. Therefore, it might correspond to a man starting a getting up gesture. If we examine the Gospels, a remarkable symmetry is found between the (...)
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  47. The Idealist View of Consciousness After Death.Bernardo Kastrup - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research 7 (11):900-909.
    To make educated guesses about what happens to consciousness upon bodily death, one has to have some understanding of the relationship between body and consciousness during life. This relationship, of course, reflects an ontology. In this brief essay, the tenability of both the physicalist and dualist ontologies will be assessed in view of recent experimental results in physics. The alternative ontology of idealism will then be discussed, which not only can be reconciled with the available empirical evidence, but also overcomes (...)
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    (1 other version)Presentación.Jaime Nubiola - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico:1131-1134.
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    Student engagement: leadership practices, perspectives and impact of technology.Jaime Hawkins (ed.) - 2015 - New York: Nova Publishers.
  50. Rhetoric, ethics and democracy.José María Rosales Jaime - 2012 - Res Publica. Murcia 27:5-12.
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